Dico Lucidas - Taceo Nubilas

Wisdom is the sunlight of the soul

Top scientists warn of ‘ghastly future of mass extinction‘ and climate disruption

Sobering new report says the world is failing to grasp the extent of threats posed by biodiversity loss and the climate crisis

The planet is facing a “ghastly future of mass extinction, declining health and climate-disruption upheavals” that threaten human survival because of ignorance and inaction, according to an international group of scientists, who warn people still haven’t grasped the urgency of the biodiversity and climate crises.

On a brighter note, something, for me giving hope, for our world tomorrow. On January 20, 2021, the 22-year-old Amanda Gorman read at the inauguration of President Joe Biden. A Miracle of Morning,” a poem written several years ago “when hurricanes, hate crimes, and deportations were some of the many crises in our headlines.” The poem now re-emerges during a pandemic, each line filled with words of hope for a golden morning.

By Amanda Gorman
I thought I’d awaken to a world in mourning.
Heavy clouds crowding, a society storming.
But there’s something different on this golden morning.
Something magical in the sunlight, wide and warming.

I see a dad with a stroller taking a jog.
Across the street, a bright-eyed girl chases her dog.
A grandma on a porch fingers her rosaries.
She grins as her young neighbor brings her groceries.

While we might feel small, separate, and all alone,
Our people have never been more closely tethered.
The question isn’t if we will weather this unknown,
But how we will weather this unknown together.

So on this meaningful morn, we mourn and we mend.
Like light, we can’t be broken, even when we bend.

As one, we will defeat both despair and disease.
We stand with healthcare heroes and all employees;
With families, libraries, schools, waiters, artists;
Businesses, restaurants, and hospitals hit hardest.

We ignite not in the light, but in lack thereof,
For it is in loss that we truly learn to love.
In this chaos, we will discover clarity.
In suffering, we must find solidarity.

For it’s our grief that gives us our gratitude,
Shows us how to find hope, if we ever lose it.
So ensure that this ache wasn’t endured in vain:
Do not ignore the pain. Give it purpose. Use it.

Read children’s books, dance alone to DJ music.
Know that this distance will make our hearts grow fonder.
From a wave of woes our world will emerge stronger.

We’ll observe how the burdens braved by humankind
Are also the moments that make us humans kind;
Let every dawn find us courageous, brought closer;
Heeding the light before the fight is over.

When this ends, we’ll smile sweetly, finally seeing
In testing times, we became the best of beings.

Covid has made inequality even worse

Comparisons are odious, but some are sensational. According to Oxfam, the wealth of the world’s 10 richest individuals has risen by £400bn since the start of the pandemic. That sum could apparently vaccinate every adult on Earth, as well as restore the income lost in 2020 to the world’s poorest people. These figures emerged on the opening day of the Davos World Economic Forum, which is taking place virtually this year. Read Simon Jenkins article in the Guardian

US billionaires ‘have received $1.1tn windfall in Covid pandemic’

Billions made by richest 660 people could pay for all of coronavirus relief package, says IPS. The richest 660 people in the US have collected a $1.1tn (£800bn) “windfall of wealth” since the coronavirus pandemic began, according to a report by a US progressive think tank, the Institute for Policy Studies.

EU ‘not fit for purpose’ to reduce poverty in Europe, says UN envoy

One in five people – more than 92.4 million or 21.1% of the EU population – still experiences poverty, defined as having an income below 60% of national median income. A total of 19.4 million children, representing 23.1%, live in poverty across the bloc.

EU ‘not fit for purpose’ to reduce poverty in Europe, says UN envoy | European Union | The Guardian

Will the origins of coronavirus remain buried forever in secrets and lies?

While the world battles to control Covid, an international team has arrived in China to investigate the source. But with evidence provided by Chinese officials, will we ever get to the truth? Kim Sengupta reports

Will the origins of coronavirus remain buried forever in secrets and lies? | The Independent 

Chinese warplanes simulated attacking US carrier near Taiwan

Chinese military aircraft simulated missile attacks on a nearby US aircraft carrier during an incursion into Taiwan’s air defence zone three days after Joe Biden’s inauguration, according to intelligence from the US and its allies.

The People’s Liberation Army sent 11 aircraft into the south-western corner of Taiwan’s air defence zone on January 23, and 15 aircraft into the same area the next day, according to Taiwan’s defence ministry.

People familiar with intelligence collected by the US and its allies said the bombers and some of the fighter aircraft involved were conducting an exercise that used a group of US Navy vessels led by the carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt in the same area as a simulated target.

Chinese warplanes simulated attacking US carrier near Taiwan | Financial Times (ft.com)


At least 331 human rights defenders were murdered in 2020, report finds

Two-thirds of those killed worked to protect environmental, land and indigenous peoples’ rights, while those providing Covid relief also faced reprisals. At least 331 human rights defenders promoting social, environmental, racial and gender justice in 25 countries were murdered in 2020, with scores more beaten, detained and criminalised because of their work, analysis has found.

Latin America, the most dangerous continent in the world in which to protect environmental, land and human rights, accounted for more than three-quarters of all the murders of human rights defenders in 2020. In Colombia, where activists are routinely targeted by armed groups despite a 2016 peace deal, 177 such deaths were recorded, more than half of the global total. The Philippines was the second deadliest country with 25 murders, followed by Honduras, Mexico, Afghanistan, Brazil and Guatemala.

While the majority (69%) of those killed were working on environmental, land or indigenous peoples’ rights, activists also found themselves being targeted simply for providing Covid-19 relief to their communities, according to a report published on Thursday by the advocacy group Front Line Defenders (FLD). Read this shocking report: Layout 1 (frontlinedefenders.org)


Brexit cost will be four times greater for UK than EU, Brussels forecasts

Departure to cost EU 0.5% of GDP but UK 2.25% by end 2022, according to first official estimate since deal was agreed.

The economic blow dealt by Brexit will be four times greater in the UK than the EU, according to the latest forecasts by Brussels.

A month into the new relationship, the European commission said the UK’s exit on the terms agreed by Boris Johnson’s government would generate a loss in gross domestic product (GDP) by the end of 2022 of about 2.25% in the UK compared with continued membership. In contrast, the hit for the EU is estimated to be about 0.5% over the same period.

Equivalent to lost economic output worth more than £40bn over two years, the commission said that although worse damage had been avoided thanks to the 11th-hour trade deal signed in December, substantial barriers to trade still remained and would come with a heavier cost for Britain. Brexit cost will be four times greater for UK than EU, Brussels forecasts | Brexit | The Guardian


Revealed: 6,500 migrant workers have died in Qatar as it gears up for World Cup

More than 6,500 migrant workers from India, Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka have died in Qatar since it won the right to host the World Cup 10 years ago, the Guardian can reveal.

The findings, compiled from government sources, mean an average of 12 migrant workers from these five south Asian nations had died each week since the night in December 2010 when the streets of Doha were filled with ecstatic crowds celebrating Qatar’s victory.

Data from India, Bangladesh, Nepal and Sri Lanka revealed there were 5,927 deaths of migrant workers in the period 2011–2020. Separately, data from Pakistan’s embassy in Qatar reported a further 824 deaths of Pakistani workers between 2010 and 2020.


China could invade Taiwan in the next six years, top US admiral warns

Asia Pacific commander Philip Davidson says Beijing wants to take Washington’s world leadership role by 2050. China could invade Taiwan within the next six years as Beijing accelerates its moves to supplant American military power in Asia, a top US commander has warned.

Democratic and self-ruled Taiwan lives under constant threat of invasion by China, whose leaders view the island as part of their territory and which they have vowed to one day take back. Read The Guardian


Beijing 2022: 180 human rights groups call for Winter Olympics boycott

More than 180 organisations want countries to skip the event as a way of demonstrating their opposition to China’s rights record.

The coalition of groups – primarily regional associations in support of Tibet, Taiwan, the Uighur community and Hong Kong – said the hopes in 2015 that awarding Beijing the Games would be a catalyst for progress had faded.

“Since then … President Xi Jinping has unleashed an unrelenting crackdown on basic freedom and human rights,” the group said, calling on governments to boycott the event to ensure it wasn’t used to “embolden” the Chinese government as they said the 2008 summer Olympics had done. “The IOC knows the Chinese authorities are arbitrarily detaining Uighurs and other Muslims, expanding state surveillance, and silencing numerous peaceful critics,” said Sophie Richardson, HRW’s China director. “Its failure to publicly confront Beijing’s serious human rights violations makes a mockery of its own commitments and claims that the Olympics are a ‘force for good’.”

One of my daughters-in-law, Wilhelmina, sent me this video link from Henry de la Croix.

‘Land is Sacred
All Life is Sacred
Peace is Sacred
Freedom is Sacred
Earth is Sacred
Sky is Sacred
Fire is Sacred
Water is Sacred
Family is Sacred
Humanity is Sacred
Our Planet is Sacred
The Universe is Sacred
How Can We Choose to Remember as Human Beings to Live in Harmony with the Land, Our Mother & All Living Beings?
How Can We Choose To Live in Peace With All Our Sisters & Brothers, even if they have a different opinion?
Do We All, in the End, Want the very Same for All of Us?
Love, Joy, Health, Happiness, Abundance, Prosperity, Guidance & Blessing
How Can We Choose in these Amazing times of transformation to Be Present, Hold Space, Breath in Breath Out, Enjoy Life & Be Grateful?
How Can We Share Our Gift with the World
Humble in Harmony from the Heart?
How Can We Play the Game of Life from Our Heart, knowing that All We Do from Our Heart is a Prayer?
How Can We Choose Consciously every Day?
Understanding that through our Actions We Teach Our Children?
How Can We Leave the Earth a Better Place For the Ones Who Come After Us?
Did We Inherit the Earth from Our Ancestors? Or Do We Borrow It from Our Children?
Can We As Humanity Make Lasting Choices, which Are Good For Us, Feel Good For Us, For Our Loved Ones, Neighbours, Humanity the Earth & All Living Beings?
We Are The Ones We Have Been Waiting For
We Are the Change We Wish For Our World
What Do We Choose?
What Do You Choose?
Ahoy One Earth, One Tribe, One Heart, One Prayer.

We Are All Love, Light & Life 💗🌈🌏
My Name is
Fire Horse, He Who’s Spirit is Unbroken
Dedicated to Love, Peace & Harmony 

I don’t reject a lockdown
I Choose Unconditional Freedom
I don’t reject a curfew
I Choose to Look at the Stars @ Night
I don’t reject social distance
I Choose to Embrace my Sisters & Brothers
I am not against a mask
I Choose to Breathe Fresh Air
I am not against allopathic drugs
I Choose Herbs & Plant Medicine
I am not against a vaccine
I Trust My Immune System
I don’t reject fertilizer
I Choose Healthy Soil
I don’t reject pesticides
I Trust the Plants Wisdom
I don’t reject empty food
I Choose to Nurture My Body
I don’t reject the law
I Choose the Ancient Teachings
I don’t reject politicians
I Choose Personal Leadership
I don’t reject economic growth
I Choose Gross National Happiness
I don’t reject war
I Choose to Live in Harmony
I don’t reject artificial Intelligence
I Choose Real Connections
I don’t reject facial recognition
I Choose to Look You in the Eyes
I Choose Red over blue
Over & over Again
I Choose Love over fear
Over & over Again
I Choose Light over darkness
Over & over Again
I Choose Life over death
Over & over Again
What Is Your Choice?
We Are the Ones We Have Been Waiting For
We Are the Change We Wish For Our World
Aho We Are All Related’
Fire Horse, He Who’s Spirit is Unbroken
Dedicated to the Real Evolution of Queens & Kings
We Are the Co-Creators of Our Own Reality
-Spoken Word Drum Version Follows Soon





Previous writing








Wanted for Theft of My Home

Villa les Anges

In March 2007 a company I was 100% shareholder of, purchased our home for many years, a large property overlooking Monaco. At the time my soulmate for 18 years was dying.

The Company was managed by a trusted company in Jersey Channel Island (now Equiom) and regulated by the Jersey Financial Services Commission.

I was a director of the Company, but without my knowledge, the “trustee” in Jersey removed me as a director, 26 months later, despite the fact that I owned 100% of the Company. This was a criminal action with the objective to steal my property and the Company’s assets. My home was valued in 2008 by AXA Banking to be in excess of € 2.5 million. A few years before a Russian oligarch had offered us € 6 million, as he recognised we had the best location overlooking Monaco and the harbour, moreover, our neighbour had spent more than €55 million on his property.

Equiom sold my property to a client and friend, at the lowest price possible, taking cash on the side as payment and stealing my art collection, valuable inventory, furniture and family items.

After 9 years, they have never accounted for this money or paid any money to the rightful owner.

The people who stole my home

Andrew John Sainter

Cliff McClelland

Robert Shaun Farley

Ursula Kent

Christiaan De Bruyn

Neilie Macon

Stefano Ricci

Anton Swemmer

Maitre Olivares-Vives (Nice)

The present management of Equiom, headed by Mark Porter and Nick Evans try to cover up this fraud.

See shortly:
